
Synonyms A

Which of the following is a synonym for “abundant”?
a) Scanty
b) Meager
c) Plentiful
d) Sparse
Answer: c) Plentiful

What is a synonym for “amicable”?
a) Hostile
b) Adversarial
c) Friendly
d) Antagonistic
Answer: c) Friendly

Which word is a synonym for “alleviate”?
a) Aggravate
b) Worsen
c) Soothe
d) Intensify
Answer: c) Soothe

What is another word for “adroit”?
a) Clumsy
b) Skillful
c) Inept
d) Awkward
Answer: b) Skillful

Which of the following is a synonym for “arduous”?
a) Easy
b) Effortless
c) Challenging
d) Simple
Answer: c) Challenging

What word is a synonym for “apathetic”?
a) Enthusiastic
b) Indifferent
c) Passionate
d) Energetic
Answer: b) Indifferent

Which word is a synonym for “adorn”?
a) Disfigure
b) Embellish
c) Deface
d) Mar
Answer: b) Embellish

What is another word for “audacious”?
a) Timid
b) Bold
c) Cowardly
d) Fearful
Answer: b) Bold

Which of the following is a synonym for “abhor”?
a) Admire
b) Despise
c) Love
d) Appreciate
Answer: b) Despise

What word is a synonym for “adore”?
a) Loathe
b) Detest
c) Worship
d) Dislike
Answer: c) Worship

What is another word for “amiable”?
a) Hostile
b) Friendly
c) Rude
d) Inhospitable
Answer: b) Friendly

Which word is a synonym for “adorn”?
a) Disfigure
b) Enhance
c) Ruin
d) Dismantle
Answer: b) Enhance

What is a synonym for “acute”?
a) Mild
b) Severe
c) Chronic
d) Dull
Answer: b) Severe

Which of the following is a synonym for “ascend”?
a) Fall
b) Descend
c) Climb
d) Plummet
Answer: c) Climb

What word is a synonym for “affluent”?
a) Poor
b) Wealthy
c) Destitute
d) Penniless
Answer: b) Wealthy

What is another word for “adequate”?
a) Insufficient
b) Satisfactory
c) Scarce
d) Inadequate
Answer: b) Satisfactory

Which word is a synonym for “anxious”?
a) Relaxed
b) Worried
c) Calm
d) Content
Answer: b) Worried

What is a synonym for “abandon”?
a) Embrace
b) Keep
c) Forsake
d) Retain
Answer: c) Forsake

Which of the following is a synonym for “altruistic”?
a) Selfish
b) Generous
c) Greedy
d) Egotistic
Answer: b) Generous

What word is a synonym for “ambiguous”?
a) Clear
b) Obvious
c) Uncertain
d) Explicit
Answer: c) Uncertain

What is another word for “abate”?
a) Increase
b) Diminish
c) Intensify
d) Escalate
Answer: b) Diminish

Which word is a synonym for “affable”?
a) Grumpy
b) Approachable
c) Hostile
d) Rude
Answer: b) Approachable

What is a synonym for “admonish”?
a) Praise
b) Reprimand
c) Encourage
d) Applaud
Answer: b) Reprimand

Which of the following is a synonym for “ardent”?
a) Indifferent
b) Passionate
c) Apathetic
d) Cold
Answer: b) Passionate

What word is a synonym for “augment”?
a) Decrease
b) Expand
c) Reduce
d) Contract
Answer: b) Expand

What is another word for “abundant”?
a) Scarce
b) Limited
c) Plentiful
d) Scanty
Answer: c) Plentiful

Which word is a synonym for “aspiring”?
a) Mediocre
b) Ambitious
c) Lazy
d) Unmotivated
Answer: b) Ambitious

What is a synonym for “assuage”?
a) Aggravate
b) Intensify
c) Soothe
d) Worsen
Answer: c) Soothe

Which of the following is a synonym for “allure”?
a) Repel
b) Attract
c) Deter
d) Disgust
Answer: b) Attract

What word is a synonym for “accomplish”?
a) Fail
b) Achieve
c) Abandon
d) Surrender
Answer: b) Achieve

What is another word for “arduous”?
a) Effortless
b) Simple
c) Challenging
d) Easy
Answer: c) Challenging

Which word is a synonym for “auspicious”?
a) Unlucky
b) Promising
c) Inauspicious
d) Unfavorable
Answer: b) Promising

What is a synonym for “ample”?
a) Scarce
b) Insufficient
c) Abundant
d) Limited
Answer: c) Abundant

Which of the following is a synonym for “acquiesce”?
a) Protest
b) Disagree
c) Comply
d) Oppose
Answer: c) Comply

What word is a synonym for “authentic”?
a) Fake
b) Genuine
c) Counterfeit
d) Bogus
Answer: b) Genuine

What is another word for “arrogant”?
a) Humble
b) Egotistical
c) Modest
d) Timid
Answer: b) Egotistical

What is a synonym for “abominable”?
a) Pleasant
b) Despicable
c) Adorable
d) Charming
Answer: b) Despicable

Which word is a synonym for “adore”?
a) Detest
b) Reverence
c) Despise
d) Dislike
Answer: b) Reverence

What is another word for “adept”?
a) Incompetent
b) Skilled
c) Clumsy
d) Inept
Answer: b) Skilled

Which of the following is a synonym for “agile”?
a) Stiff
b) Flexible
c) Sluggish
d) Inflexible
Answer: b) Flexible

What word is a synonym for “anxious”?
a) Relaxed
b) Worried
c) Calm
d) Content
Answer: b) Worried

What is a synonym for “astonish”?
a) Predict
b) Surprise
c) Expect
d) Anticipate
Answer: b) Surprise

Which word is a synonym for “attentive”?
a) Negligent
b) Careless
c) Alert
d) Inattentive
Answer: c) Alert

What is another word for “ardor”?
a) Apathy
b) Enthusiasm
c) Indifference
d) Lethargy
Answer: b) Enthusiasm

Which of the following is a synonym for “accommodate”?
a) Displace
b) Reject
c) Adjust
d) Disregard
Answer: c) Adjust

What word is a synonym for “ambiguous”?
a) Clear
b) Obvious
c) Uncertain
d) Explicit
Answer: c) Uncertain


Synonyms A Read More »

Synonyms B

Which of the following is a synonym for “beginning”?
a) Initiation
b) Completion
c) Termination
d) Conclusion
Answer: a) Initiation

What is a synonym for “beneficial”?
a) Advantageous
b) Harmful
c) Detrimental
d) Unfavorable
Answer: a) Advantageous

Which word is a synonym for “brave”?
a) Fearful
b) Cowardly
c) Daring
d) Timid
Answer: c) Daring

What is another word for “beautiful”?
a) Ugly
b) Gorgeous
c) Plain
d) Hideous
Answer: b) Gorgeous

Which option is a synonym for “big”?
a) Tiny
b) Enormous
c) Miniature
d) Little
Answer: b) Enormous

Which word is a synonym for “benevolent”?
a) Cruel
b) Malicious
c) Generous
d) Selfish
Answer: c) Generous

What is a synonym for “bold”?
a) Shy
b) Cautious
c) Audacious
d) Meek
Answer: c) Audacious

Which of the following is a synonym for “boring”?
a) Exciting
b) Stimulating
c) Monotonous
d) Engaging
Answer: c) Monotonous

What is another word for “believe”?
a) Doubt
b) Suspect
c) Trust
d) Disbelieve
Answer: c) Trust

Which option is a synonym for “break”?
a) Mend
b) Repair
c) Fix
d) Shatter
Answer: d) Shatter

What is another word for “beneath”?
a) Above
b) Below
c) Over
d) Across
Answer: b) Below

Which of the following is a synonym for “bizarre”?
a) Normal
b) Peculiar
c) Average
d) Common
Answer: b) Peculiar

What is a synonym for “brilliant”?
a) Dull
b) Shining
c) Radiant
d) Gloomy
Answer: c) Radiant

Which word is a synonym for “boisterous”?
a) Calm
b) Rowdy
c) Serene
d) Tranquil
Answer: b) Rowdy

What is another word for “brief”?
a) Endless
b) Elongated
c) Concise
d) Prolonged
Answer: c) Concise

Which option is a synonym for “blessing”?
a) Curse
b) Affliction
c) Misfortune
d) Benefit
Answer: d) Benefit

What is a synonym for “burden”?
a) Relief
b) Load
c) Pleasure
d) Easement
Answer: b) Load

Which word is a synonym for “bewilder”?
a) Guide
b) Confuse
c) Illuminate
d) Clarify
Answer: b) Confuse

What is another word for “broad”?
a) Narrow
b) Wide
c) Limited
d) Compact
Answer: b) Wide

Which option is a synonym for “boldness”?
a) Shyness
b) Timidity
c) Courage
d) Reserve
Answer: c) Courage

What is another word for “brisk”?
a) Slow
b) Lively
c) Sluggish
d) Idle
Answer: b) Lively

Which of the following is a synonym for “baffle”?
a) Comprehend
b) Perplex
c) Understand
d) Decode
Answer: b) Perplex

What is a synonym for “beautiful”?
a) Hideous
b) Splendid
c) Repulsive
d) Ghastly
Answer: b) Splendid

Which word is a synonym for “bountiful”?
a) Scant
b) Limited
c) Abundant
d) Scarce
Answer: c) Abundant

What is another word for “bold”?
a) Fearful
b) Meek
c) Courageous
d) Shy
Answer: c) Courageous

Which option is a synonym for “benevolent”?
a) Vindictive
b) Cruel
c) Altruistic
d) Heartless
Answer: c) Altruistic

What is a synonym for “blend”?
a) Divide
b) Separate
c) Combine
d) Disconnect
Answer: c) Combine

Which word is a synonym for “brilliant”?
a) Dull
b) Radiant
c) Faded
d) Dim
Answer: b) Radiant

What is another word for “brief”?
a) Lengthy
b) Short
c) Extended
d) Prolonged
Answer: b) Short

Which option is a synonym for “bitter”?
a) Sweet
b) Salty
c) Sour
d) Savory
Answer: a) Sweet

What is another word for “benefit”?
a) Harm
b) Loss
c) Advantage
d) Disadvantage
Answer: c) Advantage

Which of the following is a synonym for “brisk”?
a) Leisurely
b) Active
c) Slow
d) Lethargic
Answer: b) Active

What is a synonym for “bewilderment”?
a) Clarity
b) Confusion
c) Comprehension
d) Enlightenment
Answer: b) Confusion

Which word is a synonym for “blemish”?
a) Perfection
b) Flaw
c) Stain
d) Fault
Answer: c) Stain

What is another word for “bond”?
a) Disconnect
b) Break
c) Link
d) Separate
Answer: c) Link

Which option is a synonym for “bold”?
a) Shy
b) Cowardly
c) Fearless
d) Timid
Answer: c) Fearless

What is a synonym for “bountiful”?
a) Limited
b) Sparse
c) Plentiful
d) Scanty
Answer: c) Plentiful

Which word is a synonym for “beneath”?
a) Above
b) Over
c) Underneath
d) Beyond
Answer: c) Underneath

What is another word for “bravery”?
a) Timidity
b) Fear
c) Courage
d) Cowardice
Answer: c) Courage

Which option is a synonym for “boast”?
a) Hide
b) Conceal
c) Display
d) Disguise
Answer: c) Display


Synonyms B Read More »

Synonyms C

Which of the following is a synonym for “courageous”?
a) Cowardly
b) Fearful
c) Brave
d) Timid

Answer: c) Brave

Which word is a synonym for “cozy”?
a) Cramped
b) Spacious
c) Comfortable
d) Unpleasant

Answer: c) Comfortable

What is a synonym for “conceal”?
a) Reveal
b) Disclose
c) Hide
d) Expose

Answer: c) Hide

Which term is a synonym for “chronic”?
a) Temporary
b) Acute
c) Persistent
d) Cured

Answer: c) Persistent

Which word is a synonym for “congratulate”?
a) Criticize
b) Praise
c) Blame
d) Insult

Answer: b) Praise

What is a synonym for “complicated”?
a) Easy
b) Simple
c) Complex
d) Effortless

Answer: c) Complex

Which term is a synonym for “conceited”?
a) Humble
b) Arrogant
c) Modest
d) Timid

Answer: b) Arrogant

What is a synonym for “conceivable”?
a) Imaginary
b) Unimaginable
c) Possible
d) Unrealistic

Answer: c) Possible

Which word is a synonym for “captivate”?
a) Repulse
b) Bore
c) Fascinate
d) Ignore

Answer: c) Fascinate

What is a synonym for “corroborate”?
a) Disprove
b) Challenge
c) Confirm
d) Reject

Answer: c) Confirm

What is a synonym for “comprehend”?
a) Misunderstand
b) Grasp
c) Ignore
d) Confuse

Answer: b) Grasp

Which word is a synonym for “composure”?
a) Anxiety
b) Calmness
c) Disturbance
d) Panic

Answer: b) Calmness

What is a synonym for “courage”?
a) Bravery
b) Fear
c) Weakness
d) Cowardice

Answer: a) Bravery

Which term is a synonym for “concur”?
a) Disagree
b) Oppose
c) Agree
d) Protest

Answer: c) Agree

What is a synonym for “convey”?
a) Withhold
b) Express
c) Retain
d) Suppress

Answer: b) Express

Which word is a synonym for “conscientious”?
a) Lazy
b) Careless
c) Diligent
d) Negligent

Answer: c) Diligent

What is a synonym for “cordial”?
a) Hostile
b) Friendly
c) Cold
d) Antagonistic

Answer: b) Friendly

Which term is a synonym for “conceivable”?
a) Unrealistic
b) Imaginary
c) Possible
d) Unthinkable

Answer: c) Possible

What is a synonym for “corpulent”?
a) Slim
b) Obese
c) Lean
d) Skinny

Answer: b) Obese

Which word is a synonym for “clarify”?
a) Complicate
b) Confuse
c) Elucidate
d) Obfuscate

Answer: c) Elucidate

What is a synonym for “concealment”?
a) Exposure
b) Disclosure
c) Secrecy
d) Revelation

Answer: c) Secrecy

Which word is a synonym for “capricious”?
a) Steady
b) Stable
c) Impulsive
d) Predictable

Answer: c) Impulsive

What is a synonym for “cordial”?
a) Rude
b) Hospitable
c) Unfriendly
d) Harsh

Answer: b) Hospitable

Which term is a synonym for “congregate”?
a) Scatter
b) Disperse
c) Assemble
d) Separate

Answer: c) Assemble

What is a synonym for “contented”?
a) Dissatisfied
b) Happy
c) Displeased
d) Unfulfilled

Answer: b) Happy

Which word is a synonym for “cumbersome”?
a) Light
b) Agile
c) Bulky
d) Compact

Answer: c) Bulky

What is a synonym for “culminate”?
a) Begin
b) Initiate
c) Conclude
d) Commence

Answer: c) Conclude

Which term is a synonym for “confidant”?
a) Stranger
b) Acquaintance
c) Ally
d) Foe

Answer: c) Ally

What is a synonym for “coincide”?
a) Diverge
b) Deviate
c) Align
d) Contrast

Answer: c) Align

Which word is a synonym for “comprehensive”?
a) Superficial
b) Limited
c) Thorough
d) Incomplete

Answer: c) Thorough

What is a synonym for “candid”?
a) Dishonest
b) Deceptive
c) Frank
d) Manipulative

Answer: c) Frank

Which word is a synonym for “commence”?
a) Finish
b) Conclude
c) Initiate
d) Terminate

Answer: c) Initiate

What is a synonym for “composure”?
a) Anxiety
b) Serenity
c) Distress
d) Restlessness

Answer: b) Serenity

Which term is a synonym for “concur”?
a) Disagree
b) Oppose
c) Agree
d) Protest

Answer: c) Agree

What is a synonym for “constrict”?
a) Expand
b) Stretch
c) Narrow
d) Enlarge

Answer: c) Narrow

Which word is a synonym for “conscientious”?
a) Lazy
b) Careless
c) Diligent
d) Negligent

Answer: c) Diligent

What is a synonym for “convey”?
a) Withhold
b) Express
c) Retain
d) Suppress

Answer: b) Express

Which term is a synonym for “courteous”?
a) Rude
b) Impolite
c) Polite
d) Insolent

Answer: c) Polite

What is a synonym for “culminate”?
a) Begin
b) Initiate
c) Conclude
d) Commence

Answer: c) Conclude

Which word is a synonym for “confident”?
a) Insecure
b) Doubtful
c) Assured
d) Hesitant

Answer: c) Assured


Synonyms C Read More »

Synonyms D

Which of the following is a synonym for “dazzling”?
a) Delightful
b) Dim
c) Dull
d) Dazzling
Answer: d) Dazzling

Which of the following is a synonym for “decrease”?
a) Develop
b) Decrease
c) Dwindle
d) Deepen
Answer: c) Dwindle

Which of the following is a synonym for “desire”?
a) Demand
b) Deny
c) Desire
d) Dislike
Answer: c) Desire

Which of the following is a synonym for “diligent”?
a) Drowsy
b) Diligent
c) Lazy
d) Dull
Answer: b) Diligent

Which of the following is a synonym for “dreadful”?
a) Dull
b) Dreadful
c) Delightful
d) Displeasing
Answer: b) Dreadful

Which of the following is a synonym for “determine”?
a) Decide
b) Disturb
c) Dislike
d) Determine
Answer: d) Determine

Which of the following is a synonym for “distant”?
a) Distant
b) Deep
c) Different
d) Disconnected
Answer: a) Distant

Which of the following is a synonym for “dynamic”?
a) Dull
b) Dynamic
c) Delicate
d) Destructive
Answer: b) Dynamic

Which of the following is a synonym for “diligent”?
a) Dull
b) Diligent
c) Lazy
d) Drowsy
Answer: b) Diligent

Which of the following is a synonym for “delicate”?
a) Deliberate
b) Dull
c) Delicate
d) Distant
Answer: c) Delicate

Which of the following is a synonym for “determined”?
a) Doubtful
b) Dedicated
c) Distracted
d) Dejected
Answer: b) Dedicated

Which of the following is a synonym for “diligence”?
a) Drowsiness
b) Discipline
c) Disarray
d) Discontent
Answer: b) Discipline

Which of the following is a synonym for “distinct”?
a) Dull
b) Detailed
c) Diverse
d) Disguised
Answer: c) Diverse

Which of the following is a synonym for “disaster”?
a) Delight
b) Distress
c) Disorder
d) Destiny
Answer: b) Distress

Which of the following is a synonym for “dwell”?
a) Depart
b) Dive
c) Delve
d) Disperse
Answer: c) Delve

Which of the following is a synonym for “deficient”?
a) Decent
b) Durable
c) Defective
d) Dominant
Answer: c) Defective

Which of the following is a synonym for “devour”?
a) Discard
b) Digest
c) Distribute
d) Develop
Answer: b) Digest

Which of the following is a synonym for “dubious”?
a) Dazzling
b) Doubtful
c) Dynamic
d) Desirable
Answer: b) Doubtful

Which of the following is a synonym for “disperse”?
a) Dismiss
b) Display
c) Distribute
d) Disapprove
Answer: c) Distribute

Which of the following is a synonym for “deceive”?
a) Disclose
b) Depart
c) Dwell
d) Delude
Answer: d) Delude

Which of the following is a synonym for “discreet”?
a) Daring
b) Direct
c) Decisive
d) Dignified
Answer: d) Dignified

Which of the following is a synonym for “dread”?
a) Deny
b) Doubt
c) Despise
d) Deter
Answer: c) Despise

Which of the following is a synonym for “devastate”?
a) Discourage
b) Destroy
c) Determine
d) Delay
Answer: b) Destroy

Which of the following is a synonym for “disguise”?
a) Disclose
b) Deceive
c) Detest
d) Direct
Answer: b) Deceive

Which of the following is a synonym for “diligent”?
a) Drowsy
b) Dedicated
c) Deceptive
d) Dull
Answer: b) Dedicated

Which of the following is a synonym for “dismal”?
a) Dazzling
b) Dreary
c) Dynamic
d) Delicate
Answer: b) Dreary

Which of the following is a synonym for “dwindle”?
a) Decrease
b) Distract
c) Differentiate
d) Divert
Answer: a) Decrease

Which of the following is a synonym for “distinguish”?
a) Detect
b) Disguise
c) Doubt
d) Divide
Answer: a) Detect

Which of the following is a synonym for “delightful”?
a) Dull
b) Dreary
c) Dazzling
d) Displeasing
Answer: c) Dazzling

Which of the following is a synonym for “dynamic”?
a) Dull
b) Deliberate
c) Drab
d) Energetic
Answer: d) Energetic


Synonyms D Read More »

Synonyms E

Which of the following is a synonym for “excessive”?
a) Elusive
b) Extraneous
c) Enormous
d) Eccentric
Answer: c) Enormous

What is a synonym for “eloquent”?
a) Exhaustive
b) Expansive
c) Expressive
d) Exemplary
Answer: c) Expressive

Which word is a synonym for “erratic”?
a) Evident
b) Ecstatic
c) Erroneous
d) Ethereal
Answer: c) Erroneous

What does the word “elude” mean?
a) Escalate
b) Evoke
c) Enchant
d) Escape
Answer: d) Escape

Which of the following is a synonym for “exhausted”?
a) Energetic
b) Enraged
c) Enigmatic
d) Drained
Answer: d) Drained

What is a synonym for “enthusiastic”?
a) Erratic
b) Elated
c) Equitable
d) Exorbitant
Answer: b) Elated

Which word is a synonym for “expand”?
a) Enforce
b) Elaborate
c) Evaluate
d) Enclose
Answer: b) Elaborate

What does the word “exemplify” mean?
a) Establish
b) Exhibit
c) Excavate
d) Extinguish
Answer: b) Exhibit

Which of the following is a synonym for “eager”?
a) Exasperated
b) Exultant
c) Ecstatic
d) Enthusiastic
Answer: d) Enthusiastic

What is a synonym for “endure”?
a) Enlist
b) Evade
c) Embark
d) Sustain
Answer: d) Sustain

What is a synonym for “elusive”?
a) Exquisite
b) Evocative
c) Enigmatic
d) Empirical
Answer: c) Enigmatic

Which word is a synonym for “expand”?
a) Exterminate
b) Elongate
c) Enhance
d) Exclaim
Answer: b) Elongate

What does the word “exhilarating” mean?
a) Exhausting
b) Exciting
c) Excessive
d) Exasperating
Answer: b) Exciting

Which of the following is a synonym for “eccentric”?
a) Exuberant
b) Ecclesiastical
c) Enigmatic
d) Extraordinary
Answer: d) Extraordinary

What is a synonym for “evoke”?
a) Excite
b) Encroach
c) Endanger
d) Enrich
Answer: a) Excite

Which word is a synonym for “eloquent”?
a) Excessive
b) Exempt
c) Exquisite
d) Expressive
Answer: d) Expressive

What does the word “effervescent” mean?
a) Enchanting
b) Engrossing
c) Energetic
d) Exciting
Answer: c) Energetic

Which of the following is a synonym for “endure”?
a) Evade
b) Exacerbate
c) Encourage
d) Sustain
Answer: d) Sustain

What is a synonym for “enthralling”?
a) Envious
b) Exemplary
c) Enchanting
d) Erratic
Answer: c) Enchanting

Which word is a synonym for “exemplify”?
a) Evoke
b) Exhibit
c) Examine
d) Elucidate
Answer: b) Exhibit

What is a synonym for “essential”?
a) Elemental
b) Elaborate
c) Endearing
d) Ephemeral
Answer: a) Elemental

Which word is a synonym for “eager”?
a) Enigmatic
b) Elated
c) Earnest
d) Eccentric
Answer: c) Earnest

What does the word “exquisite” mean?
a) Exciting
b) Excessive
c) Exceptional
d) Expansive
Answer: c) Exceptional

Which of the following is a synonym for “enraged”?
a) Ecstatic
b) Exalted
c) Enthralled
d) Furious
Answer: d) Furious

What is a synonym for “expand”?
a) Expose
b) Enlarge
c) Encroach
d) Excel
Answer: b) Enlarge

Which word is a synonym for “endeavor”?
a) Exalt
b) Explore
c) Enlist
d) Execute
Answer: b) Explore

What does the word “elicit” mean?
a) Embark
b) Engage
c) Extract
d) Empower
Answer: c) Extract

Which of the following is a synonym for “exhaustive”?
a) Exhausting
b) Extensive
c) Expensive
d) Exuberant
Answer: b) Extensive

What is a synonym for “enjoyable”?
a) Entertaining
b) Exasperating
c) Engrossing
d) Enigmatic
Answer: a) Entertaining

Which word is a synonym for “evoke”?
a) Engulf
b) Excite
c) Exhibit
d) Exploit
Answer: b) Excite


Synonyms E Read More »

Synonyms F

Which word is a synonym for “furious”?
a) Angry
b) Fearful
c) Friendly
d) Funny
Answer: a) Angry

Which word is a synonym for “flexible”?
a) Firm
b) Frugal
c) Flimsy
d) Adaptable
Answer: d) Adaptable

Which word is a synonym for “famous”?
a) Unknown
b) Infamous
c) Popular
d) Ordinary
Answer: c) Popular

Which word is a synonym for “frustrated”?
a) Satisfied
b) Content
c) Disappointed
d) Joyful
Answer: c) Disappointed

Which word is a synonym for “fearless”?
a) Brave
b) Shy
c) Timid
d) Cautious
Answer: a) Brave

Which word is a synonym for “fascinating”?
a) Boring
b) Exciting
c) Uninteresting
d) Dull
Answer: b) Exciting

Which word is a synonym for “forgive”?
a) Blame
b) Pardon
c) Accuse
d) Condemn
Answer: b) Pardon

Which word is a synonym for “flourish”?
a) Wither
b) Decay
c) Thrive
d) Decline
Answer: c) Thrive

Which word is a synonym for “fragile”?
a) Sturdy
b) Robust
c) Delicate
d) Strong
Answer: c) Delicate

Which word is a synonym for “fathom”?
a) Understand
b) Confuse
c) Misinterpret
d) Perceive
Answer: a) Understand

Which word is a synonym for “fierce”?
a) Gentle
b) Ferocious
c) Calm
d) Mild
Answer: b) Ferocious

Which word is a synonym for “fortunate”?
a) Lucky
b) Unlucky
c) Serene
d) Fortuitous
Answer: a) Lucky

Which word is a synonym for “frequent”?
a) Rare
b) Constant
c) Occasional
d) Sporadic
Answer: b) Constant

Which word is a synonym for “fathomless”?
a) Shallow
b) Deep
c) Limited
d) Superficial
Answer: b) Deep

Which word is a synonym for “fervent”?
a) Cold
b) Apathetic
c) Enthusiastic
d) Indifferent
Answer: c) Enthusiastic

Which word is a synonym for “futile”?
a) Effective
b) Pointless
c) Productive
d) Fruitful
Answer: b) Pointless

Which word is a synonym for “fluent”?
a) Hesitant
b) Articulate
c) Incoherent
d) Mumbled
Answer: b) Articulate

Which word is a synonym for “fabricate”?
a) Assemble
b) Create
c) Invent
d) Destroy
Answer: c) Invent

Which word is a synonym for “fragrance”?
a) Stench
b) Odor
c) Scent
d) Aroma
Answer: d) Aroma

Which word is a synonym for “foster”?
a) Neglect
b) Abandon
c) Nurture
d) Ignore
Answer: c) Nurture

Which word is a synonym for “formidable”?
a) Weak
b) Intimidating
c) Gentle
d) Insignificant
Answer: b) Intimidating

Which word is a synonym for “frugal”?
a) Extravagant
b) Wasteful
c) Thrifty
d) Lavish
Answer: c) Thrifty

Which word is a synonym for “fantastic”?
a) Terrible
b) Wonderful
c) Mediocre
d) Awful
Answer: b) Wonderful

Which word is a synonym for “fickle”?
a) Steadfast
b) Reliable
c) Unpredictable
d) Consistent
Answer: c) Unpredictable

Which word is a synonym for “flawless”?
a) Imperfect
b) Faultless
c) Blemished
d) Defective
Answer: b) Faultless

Which word is a synonym for “fervor”?
a) Apathy
b) Passion
c) Indifference
d) Disinterest
Answer: b) Passion

Which word is a synonym for “futuristic”?
a) Antiquated
b) Modern
c) Contemporary
d) Retro
Answer: b) Modern

Which word is a synonym for “frank”?
a) Dishonest
b) Candid
c) Deceptive
d) Evasive
Answer: b) Candid

Which word is a synonym for “fathomable”?
a) Puzzling
b) Understandable
c) Incomprehensible
d) Perplexing
Answer: b) Understandable

Which word is a synonym for “fondness”?
a) Dislike
b) Affection
c) Hatred
d) Aversion
Answer: b) Affection

Which word is a synonym for “foresee”?
a) Predict
b) Forget
c) Overlook
d) Neglect
Answer: a) Predict

Which word is a synonym for “frustrating”?
a) Pleasant
b) Exasperating
c) Gratifying
d) Satisfying
Answer: b) Exasperating

Which word is a synonym for “fancy”?
a) Plain
b) Elaborate
c) Simple
d) Modest
Answer: b) Elaborate

Which word is a synonym for “fluctuate”?
a) Stabilize
b) Persist
c) Oscillate
d) Maintain
Answer: c) Oscillate

Which word is a synonym for “forgo”?
a) Embrace
b) Abandon
c) Retain
d) Acquire
Answer: b) Abandon

Which word is a synonym for “feign”?
a) Pretend
b) Reveal
c) Disclose
d) Authentic
Answer: a) Pretend

Which word is a synonym for “flourishing”?
a) Dying
b) Thriving
c) Fading
d) Wilting
Answer: b) Thriving

Which word is a synonym for “foolhardy”?
a) Cautious
b) Prudent
c) Reckless
d) Sensible
Answer: c) Reckless

Which word is a synonym for “furtive”?
a) Blatant
b) Secretive
c) Open
d) Transparent
Answer: b) Secretive

Which word is a synonym for “flabbergasted”?
a) Unimpressed
b) Astonished
c) Indifferent
d) Nonchalant
Answer: b) Astonished


Synonyms F Read More »

Synonyms G

Which word is a synonym for “generous”?
a) Stingy
b) Benevolent
c) Miserly
d) Greedy

Answer: b) Benevolent

Which word is a synonym for “genuine”?
a) Artificial
b) Authentic
c) Counterfeit
d) Spurious

Answer: b) Authentic

Which word is a synonym for “grateful”?
a) Unappreciative
b) Thankful
c) Resentful
d) Ingrateful

Answer: b) Thankful

Which word is a synonym for “glorious”?
a) Humble
b) Magnificent
c) Mediocre
d) Shabby

Answer: b) Magnificent

Which word is a synonym for “gloomy”?
a) Cheerful
b) Depressing
c) Radiant
d) Bright

Answer: b) Depressing

Which word is a synonym for “genuine”?
a) Fake
b) Legitimate
c) Counterfeit
d) Spurious

Answer: b) Legitimate

Which word is a synonym for “graceful”?
a) Awkward
b) Clumsy
c) Elegant
d) Ungainly

Answer: c) Elegant

Which word is a synonym for “giddy”?
a) Serious
b) Dizzy
c) Stable
d) Sober

Answer: b) Dizzy

Which word is a synonym for “generous”?
a) Selfish
b) Altruistic
c) Greedy
d) Miserly

Answer: b) Altruistic

Which word is a synonym for “gleeful”?
a) Sorrowful
b) Joyful
c) Melancholic
d) Miserable

Answer: b) Joyful

Which word is a synonym for “gracious”?
a) Rude
b) Courteous
c) Impolite
d) Offensive

Answer: b) Courteous

Which word is a synonym for “glamorous”?
a) Plain
b) Dazzling
c) Modest
d) Simple

Answer: b) Dazzling

Which word is a synonym for “genuine”?
a) False
b) Real
c) Fake
d) Deceptive

Answer: b) Real

Which word is a synonym for “gleaming”?
a) Dull
b) Shining
c) Drab
d) Faded

Answer: b) Shining

Which word is a synonym for “gregarious”?
a) Introverted
b) Sociable
c) Reclusive
d) Reserved

Answer: b) Sociable

Which word is a synonym for “grueling”?
a) Easy
b) Exhausting
c) Effortless
d) Simple

Answer: b) Exhausting

Which word is a synonym for “generously”?
a) Selfishly
b) Abundantly
c) Scarcely
d) Sparingly

Answer: b) Abundantly

Which word is a synonym for “grateful”?
a) Unthankful
b) Appreciative
c) Indifferent
d) Displeased

Answer: b) Appreciative

Which word is a synonym for “gigantic”?
a) Tiny
b) Massive
c) Miniature
d) Petite

Answer: b) Massive

Which word is a synonym for “genuine”?
a) Pretend
b) Sincere
c) Counterfeit
d) Sham

Answer: b) Sincere

Which word is a synonym for “gratifying”?
a) Displeasing
b) Satisfying
c) Annoying
d) Irritating

Answer: b) Satisfying

Which word is a synonym for “gluttonous”?
a) Moderate
b) Voracious
c) Discerning
d) Frugal

Answer: b) Voracious

Which word is a synonym for “glimpse”?
a) Stare
b) Gaze
c) Peek
d) Glare

Answer: c) Peek

Which word is a synonym for “grace” (noun)?
a) Clumsiness
b) Elegance
c) Awkwardness
d) Ungainliness

Answer: b) Elegance

Which word is a synonym for “generously”?
a) Selfishly
b) Openhandedly
c) Greedily
d) Scantily

Answer: b) Openhandedly

Which word is a synonym for “gloomy”?
a) Radiant
b) Desolate
c) Lively
d) Vibrant

Answer: b) Desolate

Which word is a synonym for “gallant”?
a) Cowardly
b) Brave
c) Timid
d) Fearful

Answer: b) Brave

Which word is a synonym for “genuine”?
a) Bogus
b) Legit
c) Counterfeit
d) Faux

Answer: b) Legit

Which word is a synonym for “graceful”?
a) Clumsy
b) Agile
c) Awkward
d) Ungraceful

Answer: b) Agile

Which word is a synonym for “gaiety”?
a) Sadness
b) Mirth
c) Sorrow
d) Misery

Answer: b) Mirth


Synonyms G Read More »

Synonyms H

Which of the following is a synonym for “happy”?
a) Sad
b) Joyful
c) Angry
d) Upset
Answer: b) Joyful

Which of the following is a synonym for “honest”?
a) Deceitful
b) Sincere
c) Dishonest
d) Misleading
Answer: b) Sincere

Which of the following is a synonym for “hard”?
a) Soft
b) Difficult
c) Easy
d) Flexible
Answer: b) Difficult

Which of the following is a synonym for “helpful”?
a) Harmful
b) Friendly
c) Uncooperative
d) Detrimental
Answer: b) Friendly

Which of the following is a synonym for “huge”?
a) Tiny
b) Enormous
c) Small
d) Minute
Answer: b) Enormous

Which of the following is a synonym for “happy”?
a) Miserable
b) Delighted
c) Grumpy
d) Depressed
Answer: b) Delighted

Which of the following is a synonym for “hunger”?
a) Fullness
b) Thirst
c) Appetite
d) Satisfaction
Answer: c) Appetite

Which of the following is a synonym for “hopeful”?
a) Hopeless
b) Optimistic
c) Pessimistic
d) Despairing
Answer: b) Optimistic

Which of the following is a synonym for “happy”?
a) Gloomy
b) Ecstatic
c) Melancholy
d) Sorrowful
Answer: b) Ecstatic

Which of the following is a synonym for “healthy”?
a) Sickly
b) Robust
c) Weak
d) Frail
Answer: b) Robust

Which of the following is a synonym for “haste”?
a) Delay
b) Speed
c) Procrastination
d) Slowness
Answer: b) Speed

Which of the following is a synonym for “harmony”?
a) Conflict
b) Discord
c) Agreement
d) Disharmony
Answer: c) Agreement

Which of the following is a synonym for “humorous”?
a) Serious
b) Comical
c) Dull
d) Solemn
Answer: b) Comical

Which of the following is a synonym for “humble”?
a) Arrogant
b) Modest
c) Proud
d) Haughty
Answer: b) Modest

Which of the following is a synonym for “hinder”?
a) Facilitate
b) Aid
c) Obstruct
d) Assist
Answer: c) Obstruct

Which of the following is a synonym for “hazardous”?
a) Safe
b) Secure
c) Dangerous
d) Harmless
Answer: c) Dangerous

Which of the following is a synonym for “hesitate”?
a) Decide
b) Proceed
c) Pause
d) Act
Answer: c) Pause

Which of the following is a synonym for “hardworking”?
a) Lazy
b) Diligent
c) Idle
d) Indolent
Answer: b) Diligent

Which of the following is a synonym for “heal”?
a) Injure
b) Cure
c) Worsen
d) Aggravate
Answer: b) Cure

Which of the following is a synonym for “hidden”?
a) Visible
b) Concealed
c) Apparent
d) Exposed
Answer: b) Concealed

Which of the following is a synonym for “horrible”?
a) Terrific
b) Dreadful
c) Wonderful
d) Fantastic
Answer: b) Dreadful

Which of the following is a synonym for “hinder”?
a) Promote
b) Assist
c) Impede
d) Support
Answer: c) Impede

Which of the following is a synonym for “honesty”?
a) Deception
b) Integrity
c) Fraud
d) Dishonesty
Answer: b) Integrity

Which of the following is a synonym for “harsh”?
a) Gentle
b) Kind
c) Rigid
d) Lenient
Answer: c) Rigid

Which of the following is a synonym for “humble”?
a) Arrogant
b) Modest
c) Conceited
d) Proud
Answer: b) Modest

Which of the following is a synonym for “hazard”?
a) Safety
b) Danger
c) Protection
d) Security
Answer: b) Danger

Which of the following is a synonym for “hunger”?
a) Fullness
b) Thirst
c) Appetite
d) Satisfaction
Answer: c) Appetite

Which of the following is a synonym for “humiliate”?
a) Honor
b) Respect
c) Shame
d) Praise
Answer: c) Shame

Which of the following is a synonym for “hypothesis”?
a) Fact
b) Theory
c) Proof
d) Evidence
Answer: b) Theory

Which of the following is a synonym for “hasty”?
a) Patient
b) Impulsive
c) Deliberate
d) Cautious
Answer: b) Impulsive

Which of the following is a synonym for “hostile”?
a) Friendly
b) Aggressive
c) Cooperative
d) Amiable
Answer: b) Aggressive

Which of the following is a synonym for “hopeless”?
a) Optimistic
b) Desperate
c) Promising
d) Encouraging
Answer: b) Desperate

Which of the following is a synonym for “harmony”?
a) Conflict
b) Accord
c) Dissonance
d) Disharmony
Answer: b) Accord

Which of the following is a synonym for “hesitate”?
a) Decide
b) Delay
c) Proceed
d) Act
Answer: b) Delay

Which of the following is a synonym for “hazardous”?
a) Safe
b) Secure
c) Perilous
d) Harmless
Answer: c) Perilous

Which of the following is a synonym for “hideous”?
a) Beautiful
b) Ugly
c) Attractive
d) Lovely
Answer: b) Ugly

Which of the following is a synonym for “hint”?
a) Clue
b) Obvious
c) Clear
d) Direct
Answer: a) Clue

Which of the following is a synonym for “humiliate”?
a) Honor
b) Degrade
c) Praise
d) Elevate
Answer: b) Degrade

Which of the following is a synonym for “hospitality”?
a) Rudeness
b) Generosity
c) Hostility
d) Unfriendliness
Answer: b) Generosity

Which of the following is a synonym for “harmful”?
a) Beneficial
b) Destructive
c) Positive
d) Constructive
Answer: b) Destructive


Synonyms H Read More »

Synonyms i

Which word is a synonym for “important”?
a) Insignificant
b) Irrelevant
c) Essential
d) Trivial
Answer: c) Essential

What is a synonym for “immediate”?
a) Distant
b) Procrastinated
c) Prompt
d) Delayed
Answer: c) Prompt

Which word is a synonym for “increase”?
a) Decrease
b) Expand
c) Reduce
d) Contract
Answer: b) Expand

What is a synonym for “innovative”?
a) Traditional
b) Conservative
c) Original
d) Conventional
Answer: c) Original

Which word is a synonym for “intelligent”?
a) Dull
b) Stupid
c) Bright
d) Ignorant
Answer: c) Bright

What is a synonym for “instruct”?
a) Misguide
b) Mislead
c) Teach
d) Deceive
Answer: c) Teach

Which word is a synonym for “inspire”?
a) Discourage
b) Suppress
c) Motivate
d) Demotivate
Answer: c) Motivate

What is a synonym for “interesting”?
a) Boring
b) Dull
c) Fascinating
d) Tedious
Answer: c) Fascinating

Which word is a synonym for “investigate”?
a) Ignore
b) Neglect
c) Examine
d) Overlook
Answer: c) Examine

What is a synonym for “isolate”?
a) Unite
b) Gather
c) Separate
d) Combine
Answer: c) Separate

Which word is a synonym for “improve”?
a) Deteriorate
b) Enhance
c) Weaken
d) Decline
Answer: b) Enhance

What is a synonym for “incredible”?
a) Plausible
b) Unbelievable
c) Reliable
d) Credible
Answer: b) Unbelievable

Which word is a synonym for “implement”?
a) Abandon
b) Discard
c) Execute
d) Terminate
Answer: c) Execute

What is a synonym for “irritate”?
a) Soothe
b) Aggravate
c) Calm
d) Pacify
Answer: b) Aggravate

Which word is a synonym for “indicate”?
a) Conceal
b) Reveal
c) Hide
d) Suppress
Answer: b) Reveal

What is a synonym for “inclusive”?
a) Exclusive
b) Limited
c) Comprehensive
d) Narrow
Answer: c) Comprehensive

Which word is a synonym for “intense”?
a) Mild
b) Moderate
c) Fierce
d) Gentle
Answer: c) Fierce

What is a synonym for “inquire”?
a) Answer
b) Respond
c) Ask
d) Reply
Answer: c) Ask

Which word is a synonym for “involve”?
a) Exclude
b) Omit
c) Include
d) Eliminate
Answer: c) Include

What is a synonym for “imminent”?
a) Remote
b) Distant
c) Impending
d) Faraway
Answer: c) Impending

Which word is a synonym for “insightful”?
a) Ignorant
b) Perceptive
c) Naive
d) Unaware
Answer: b) Perceptive

What is a synonym for “inquisitive”?
a) Curious
b) Indifferent
c) Apathetic
d) Uninterested
Answer: a) Curious

Which word is a synonym for “influence”?
a) Discourage
b) Dissuade
c) Persuade
d) Deter
Answer: c) Persuade

What is a synonym for “imminent”?
a) Distant
b) Remote
c) Impending
d) Faraway
Answer: c) Impending

Which word is a synonym for “innocent”?
a) Guilty
b) Culprit
c) Blameworthy
d) Pure
Answer: d) Pure

What is a synonym for “integral”?
a) Optional
b) Additional
c) Essential
d) Expendable
Answer: c) Essential

Which word is a synonym for “inventive”?
a) Uncreative
b) Resourceful
c) Unimaginative
d) Stagnant
Answer: b) Resourceful

What is a synonym for “impartial”?
a) Biased
b) Prejudiced
c) Fair
d) Discriminatory
Answer: c) Fair

Which word is a synonym for “incredible”?
a) Plausible
b) Unbelievable
c) Reliable
d) Credible
Answer: b) Unbelievable

What is a synonym for “intrepid”?
a) Fearful
b) Cowardly
c) Brave
d) Timid
Answer: c) Brave


Synonyms i Read More »

Synonyms J

Which of the following is a synonym for “jovial”?
a) Gloomy
b) Mirthful
c) Solemn
d) Melancholic
Answer: b) Mirthful

Choose the synonym for “jubilant”:
a) Miserable
b) Ecstatic
c) Sorrowful
d) Depressed
Answer: b) Ecstatic

What is a synonym for “jeopardize”?
a) Protect
b) Encourage
c) Threaten
d) Secure
Answer: c) Threaten

Select the synonym for “juxtapose”:
a) Combine
b) Separate
c) Isolate
d) Place side by side
Answer: d) Place side by side

Which of the following is a synonym for “jubilee”?
a) Celebration
b) Mourning
c) Lamentation
d) Desolation
Answer: a) Celebration

Choose the synonym for “judicious”:
a) Careless
b) Foolish
c) Sensible
d) Rash
Answer: c) Sensible

What is a synonym for “jaded”?
a) Energetic
b) Refreshed
c) Weary
d) Enthusiastic
Answer: c) Weary

Select the synonym for “jar”:
a) Cohesion
b) Harmony
c) Discord
d) Agreement
Answer: c) Discord

Which of the following is a synonym for “jargon”?
a) Clarity
b) Vernacular
c) Plain language
d) Technical terminology
Answer: d) Technical terminology

Choose the synonym for “jest”:
a) Seriousness
b) Wit
c) Sarcasm
d) Gravity
Answer: b) Wit

What is a synonym for “justifiable”?
a) Inexcusable
b) Legitimate
c) Unreasonable
d) Unfounded
Answer: b) Legitimate

Select the synonym for “joviality”:
a) Gloominess
b) Cheerfulness
c) Melancholy
d) Desolation
Answer: b) Cheerfulness

Which of the following is a synonym for “juncture”?
a) Continuation
b) Separation
c) Intersection
d) Connection
Answer: c) Intersection

Choose the synonym for “jaunty”:
a) Dejected
b) Morose
c) Lively
d) Sullen
Answer: c) Lively

What is a synonym for “jettison”?
a) Retain
b) Discard
c) Preserve
d) Save
Answer: b) Discard

Select the synonym for “jeopardy”:
a) Safety
b) Peril
c) Security
d) Protection
Answer: b) Peril

Which of the following is a synonym for “jealousy”?
a) Contentment
b) Envy
c) Satisfaction
d) Indifference
Answer: b) Envy

Choose the synonym for “judgement”:
a) Pardon
b) Decision
c) Absolution
d) Acquittal
Answer: b) Decision

What is a synonym for “jocund”?
a) Sorrowful
b) Joyful
c) Miserable
d) Gloomy
Answer: b) Joyful

Select the synonym for “juxtaposition”:
a) Integration
b) Segregation
c) Combination
d) Contrast
Answer: d) Contrast

What is a synonym for “jubilation”?
a) Desolation
b) Elation
c) Misery
d) Disappointment
Answer: b) Elation

Select the synonym for “just”:
a) Fair
b) Biased
c) Unjust
d) Partial
Answer: a) Fair

Which of the following is a synonym for “jovial”:
a) Grouchy
b) Merry
c) Dour
d) Glum
Answer: b) Merry

Choose the synonym for “jeer”:
a) Applaud
b) Compliment
c) Mock
d) Praise
Answer: c) Mock

What is a synonym for “jeopardy”:
a) Certainty
b) Safety
c) Security
d) Peril
Answer: d) Peril

Select the synonym for “jaded”:
a) Enlivened
b) Energized
c) Weary
d) Invigorated
Answer: c) Weary

Which of the following is a synonym for “jest”:
a) Seriousness
b) Taunt
c) Wit
d) Gravity
Answer: c) Wit

Choose the synonym for “jot”:
a) Erase
b) Document
c) Forget
d) Remove
Answer: b) Document

What is a synonym for “joyous”:
a) Sad
b) Gleeful
c) Distressed
d) Miserable
Answer: b) Gleeful

Select the synonym for “juxtapose”:
a) Merge
b) Separate
c) Divide
d) Contrast
Answer: d) Contrast


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