Anthropology MCQs

Anthropology Solved MCQs

Anthropology is the study of.

a. insects
b. humans
c. plants
d. all of the above
Answer: b. humans

Which subfield of anthropology studies the biological and physical aspects of humans.

a. cultural anthropology
b. archaeology
c. linguistic anthropology
d. biological anthropology
Answer: d. biological anthropology

What is ethnography?

a. the study of ancient civilizations
b. the study of language
c. the study of culture through firsthand observation
d. the study of human biology
Answer: c. the study of culture through firsthand observation

Which subfield of anthropology studies the material culture of past societies.

a. biological anthropology
b. cultural anthropology
c. archaeology
d. linguistic anthropology
Answer: c. archaeology

What is cultural relativism?

a. the idea that all cultures are equally valid and should be respected
b. the idea that some cultures are superior to others
c. the idea that cultures should be judged based on their similarities to one’s own culture
d. the idea that cultures should be judged based on their differences from one’s own culture
Answer: a. the idea that all cultures are equally valid and should be respected

Which subfield of anthropology studies language and its relationship to culture?

a. biological anthropology
b. cultural anthropology
c. archaeology
d. linguistic anthropology
Answer: d. linguistic anthropology

Which of the following is not one of the four subfields of anthropology?

a. physical anthropology
b. social anthropology
c. cultural anthropology
d. archaeology
Answer: b. social anthropology

What is a cultural universal?

a. a cultural trait that is found in every society
b. a cultural trait that is unique to one society
c. a cultural trait that is found in some societies but not others
d. a cultural trait that is no longer practiced in any society
Answer: a. a cultural trait that is found in every society

Which subfield of anthropology studies how people make a living.

a. cultural anthropology
b. archaeology
c. biological anthropology
d. linguistic anthropology
Answer: a. cultural anthropology

What is a hypothesis?

a. a proven fact
b. an educated guess
c. a cultural trait
d. a genetic trait
Answer: b. an educated guess

Which of the following is not one of the three main types of kinship systems?

a. matrilineal
b. patrilineal
c. bilateral
d. patriarchal
Answer: d. patriarchal

What is an ethnocentric perspective?

a. the idea that all cultures are equally valid and should be respected
b. the idea that some cultures are superior to others
c. the idea that cultures should be judged based on their similarities to one’s own culture
d. the idea that cultures should be judged based on their differences from one’s own culture
Answer: b. the idea that some cultures are superior to others

Which of the following is not a method used in anthropological research?

a. participant observation
b. ethnographic interviewing
c. laboratory experiments
d. archival research
Answer: c. laboratory experiments

Which subfield of anthropology studies how people use symbols to communicate?

a. biological anthropology
b. cultural anthropology
c. archaeology
d. linguistic anthropology
Answer: d. linguistic anthropology

Which subfield of anthropology studies how people use and exchange goods and services?

a. economic anthropology
b. cultural anthropology
c. archaeological anthropology
d. biological anthropology
Answer: a. economic anthropology

What is cultural adaptation?

a. the ability of an individual to adjust to a new culture
b. the process of a culture-changing over time
c. the ability of a culture to adapt to changes in the environment or other external factors
d. the process of a culture remaining unchanged over time
Answer: c. the ability of a culture to adapt to changes in the environment or other external factors

Which subfield of anthropology studies how people organize themselves into social groups?

a. cultural anthropology
b. biological anthropology
c. linguistic anthropology
d. social anthropology
Answer: d. social anthropology

What is a cultural construct?

a. a physical object created by a culture
b. a social norm created by a culture
c. a biological trait created by a culture
d. a language construct created by a culture
Answer: b. a social norm created by a culture

Which of the following is not a method used in archaeological research?

a. excavation
b. survey
c. participant observation
d. dating techniques
Answer: c. participant observation

Which subfield of anthropology studies how people use technology to meet their needs?

a. cultural anthropology
b. archaeology
c. biological anthropology
d. linguistic anthropology
Answer: b. archaeology

What is a cross-cultural comparison?

a. the comparison of two different cultures
b. the comparison of two different species
c. the comparison of two different physical traits
d. the comparison of two different historical periods
Answer: a. the comparison of two different cultures

Which subfield of anthropology studies how people use symbols to express themselves?

a. biological anthropology
b. cultural anthropology
c. archaeology
d. linguistic anthropology
Answer: d. linguistic anthropology

Which of the following is NOT a subfield of anthropology?

a. Cultural anthropology
b. Biological anthropology
c. Linguistic anthropology
d. Political anthropology
Answer: d. Political anthropology

Which of the following is a fundamental concept in cultural anthropology?

a. Social class
b. Evolution
c. Cultural relativism
d. Genetics
Answer: c. Cultural relativism

Which of the following is NOT a method of data collection in anthropology?

a. Participant observation
b. Surveys
c. Experiments
d. Astrology
Answer: d. Astrology

Which subfield of anthropology focuses on the study of human biological diversity and evolution?

a. Cultural anthropology
b. Linguistic anthropology
c. Archaeology
d. Biological anthropology
Answer: d. Biological anthropology

Which of the following is an example of a cultural artifact?

a. A gene
b. A tool
c. A language
d. A hormone
Answer: b. A tool

Which of the following is NOT a key component of culture?

a. Symbols
b. Beliefs
c. Genetics
d. Values
Answer: c. Genetics

Which of the following is a key element of ethnography?

a. Quantitative data analysis
b. Cross-cultural comparison
c. Textual interpretation
d. Long-term fieldwork
Answer: d. Long-term fieldwork

Which subfield of anthropology focuses on the study of language and communication?

a. Cultural anthropology
b. Biological anthropology
c. Linguistic anthropology
d. Archaeology
Answer: c. Linguistic anthropology

a. Symbols
b. Beliefs
c. Genetics
d. Values
Answer: c. Genetics

Which subfield of anthropology focuses on the study of human societies and cultures.

a. Cultural anthropology
b. Biological anthropology
c. Linguistic anthropology
d. Archaeology
Answer: a. Cultural anthropology

Which of the following is a key concept in the study of culture.

a. Culture shock
b. Evolutionary psychology
c. Universalism
d. Structuralism
Answer: d. Structuralism

Which of the following is a method of data analysis commonly used in cultural anthropology.

a. Statistical analysis
b. Genetic sequencing
c. Radiocarbon dating
d. Discourse analysis
Answer: d. Discourse analysis

Which subfield of anthropology focuses on the study of material remains of past human societies.

a. Cultural anthropology
b. Biological anthropology
c. Linguistic anthropology
d. Archaeology
Answer: d. Archaeology

Which of the following is a key concept in the study of human evolution.

a. Creationism
b. Natural selection
c. Intelligent design
d. Lamarckism
Answer: b. Natural selection

Which of the following is an example of a cultural practice.

a. DNA replication
b. Hunting and gathering
c. Cellular respiration
d. Mitosis
Answer: b. Hunting and gathering

Which subfield of anthropology focuses on the study of human behavior in relation to the environment.

a. Cultural ecology
b. Human ecology
c. Environmental anthropology
d. Ecological anthropology
Answer: d. Ecological anthropology

Which of the following is a key concept in the study of cultural anthropology.

a. Material culture
b. Molecular biology
c. Quantum mechanics
d. Astrophysics
Answer: a. Material culture

Which subfield of anthropology focuses on the study of the interactions between humans and non-human primates.

a. Biological anthropology
b. Cultural anthropology
c. Linguistic anthropology
d. Archaeology
Answer: a. Biological anthropology

Which subfield of anthropology focuses on the study of human migration patterns and population movements?

a. Cultural anthropology
b. Biological anthropology
c. Linguistic anthropology
d. Archaeology
Answer: b. Biological anthropology

Which of the following is a key concept in the study of linguistic anthropology?

a. Dialectical materialism
b. Structural linguistics
c. Existentialism
d. Psychoanalysis
Answer: b. Structural linguistics

Which of the following is NOT a key feature of human culture.

a. Creativity
b. Diversity
c. Uniformity
d. Change
Answer: c. Uniformity

Which subfield of anthropology focuses on the study of human social and political organization.

a. Cultural anthropology
b. Biological anthropology
c. Linguistic anthropology
d. Archaeology
Answer: a. Cultural anthropology

Which of the following is a key concept in the study of archaeological anthropology?

a. Paleontology
b. Stratigraphy
c. Geology
d. Cosmology
Answer: b. Stratigraphy

Which subfield of anthropology focuses on the study of the role of culture in shaping individual behavior and personality?

a. Cognitive anthropology
b. Psychological anthropology
c. Psychoanalytic anthropology
d. Behavioral anthropology
Answer: b. Psychological anthropology

Which of the following is a method of data collection in linguistic anthropology?

a. Excavation
b. Interviewing
c. DNA sequencing
d. Statistical analysis
Answer: b. Interviewing

Which subfield of anthropology studies the relationship between language and culture?

a. Linguistic anthropology
b. Archaeology
c. Biological anthropology
d. Cultural anthropology
Answer: a. Linguistic anthropology

What is the term used to describe the process of learning the norms and values of a culture?

a. Enculturation
b. Acculturation
c. Assimilation
d. Ethnocentrism
Answer: a. Enculturation

Which of the following is a method of data collection in cultural anthropology?

a. Radiocarbon dating
b. Genetic sequencing
c. Participant observation
d. Discourse analysis
Answer: c. Participant observation

Which subfield of anthropology studies the physical characteristics of humans and their relatives?

a. Biological anthropology
b. Cultural anthropology
c. Linguistic anthropology
d. Archaeology
Answer: a. Biological anthropology

Which subfield of anthropology studies how people make, use, and exchange goods and services?

a. Economic anthropology
b. Political anthropology
c. Psychological anthropology
d. Ecological anthropology
Answer: a. Economic anthropology

What is the term used to describe the set of cultural beliefs and practices that help to maintain social order?

a. Ideology
b. Ritual
c. Tradition
d. Norms
Answer: a. Ideology

Which of the following is a method of data collection in archaeology.

a. Participant observation
b. Surveys
c. Genetic sequencing
d. Interviews
Answer: b. Surveys

Which subfield of anthropology studies the evolution of human societies and cultures.

a. Cultural anthropology
b. Archaeology
c. Biological anthropology
d. Linguistic anthropology
Answer: a. Cultural anthropology

What is the term used to describe the practice of judging other cultures based on the standards and values of one’s own culture.

a. Cultural relativism
b. Ethnocentrism
c. Enculturation
d. Assimilation
Answer: b. Ethnocentrism

Which of the following is a key concept in the study of biological anthropology.

a. Kinship
b. Culture
c. Genetics
d. Language
Answer: c. Genetics

Which subfield of anthropology studies how power and authority are organized and contested in human societies.

a. Political anthropology
b. Economic anthropology
c. Ecological anthropology
d. Psychological anthropology
Answer: a. Political anthropology

What is the term used to describe the process of cultural change that occurs when two or more cultures come into contact with each other.

a. Enculturation
b. Acculturation
c. Assimilation
d. Ethnocentrism
Answer: b. Acculturation

Which of the following is a method of data collection in psychological anthropology?

a. Participant observation
b. Surveys
c. Genetic sequencing
d. Interviews
Answer: d. Interviews

Which subfield of anthropology studies how people use language to create meaning and communicate with each other?

a. Linguistic anthropology
b. Archaeology
c. Biological anthropology
d. Cultural anthropology
Answer: a. Linguistic anthropology


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Biological Anthropology MCQs

Biological Anthropology MCQs

Which of the following is NOT a subfield of biological anthropology?
a) Primatology
b) Forensic anthropology
c) Paleoanthropology
d) Cultural anthropology
Answer: d) Cultural anthropology

The study of human evolution is known as:
a) Ethnography
b) Linguistics
c) Archaeology
d) Paleoanthropology
Answer: d) Paleoanthropology

Which of the following is NOT a method used in biological anthropology?
a) DNA analysis
b) Radiocarbon dating
c) Ethnographic interviews
d) Skeletal analysis
Answer: c) Ethnographic interviews

Which branch of anthropology focuses on the study of non-human primates?
a) Ethnography
b) Linguistics
c) Primatology
d) Archaeology
Answer: c) Primatology

What is the scientific term for the study of human bones and skeletons?
a) Osteology
b) Paleontology
c) Anthropometry
d) Geology
Answer: a) Osteology

Biological Anthropology MCQs

The analysis of skeletal remains to determine age, sex, and stature is known as:
a) Forensic anthropology
b) Osteometry
c) Dental anthropology
d) Paleopathology
Answer: b) Osteometry

The process of examining teeth for insights into diet and health is called:
a) Dental anthropology
b) Paleopathology
c) Osteometry
d) Bioarchaeology
Answer: a) Dental anthropology

Which of the following is a technique used to estimate the time of death using the decay of radioactive isotopes in bones?
a) Carbon dating
b) DNA analysis
c) Paleopathology
d) Forensic anthropology
Answer: d) Forensic anthropology

The study of ancient DNA to understand human evolution and migration is called:
a) Primatology
b) Molecular anthropology
c) Forensic anthropology
d) Paleoanthropology
Answer: b) Molecular anthropology

The comparison of skeletal traits to determine genetic relationships among populations is known as:
a) Forensic anthropology
b) Anthropometry
c) Bioarchaeology
d) Population genetics
Answer: d) Population genetics

Biological Anthropology MCQs

Which of the following is a fossil hominin species?
a) Gorilla
b) Orangutan
c) Australopithecus afarensis
d) Macaque
Answer: c) Australopithecus afarensis

What is the study of how genes are passed from one generation to the next called?
a) Epigenetics
b) Mendelian genetics
c) Genomic anthropology
d) Population genetics
Answer: d) Population genetics

The analysis of ancient human remains to understand past diseases and health conditions is known as:
a) Paleopathology
b) Forensic anthropology
c) Dental anthropology
d) Human osteology
Answer: a) Paleopathology

Which of the following is a primordial dwarfism disorder associated with skeletal abnormalities?
a) Down syndrome
b) Turner syndrome
c) Progeria
d) Achondroplasia
Answer: d) Achondroplasia

What is the study of human variation and adaptation called?
a) Ethnography
b) Biocultural anthropology
c) Human ecology
d) Human biogeography
Answer: b) Biocultural anthropology

Biological Anthropology MCQs

The study of primate behavior and social interactions is known as:
a) Ethnology
b) Anthropometry
c) Ethology
d) Primatology
Answer: d) Primatology

Which of the following is a method used to estimate the age of skeletal remains by examining tooth eruption and wear?
a) Radiocarbon dating
b) Stratigraphy
c) Fluoride dating
d) Dental age estimation
Answer: d) Dental age estimation

Which of the following is a branch of biological anthropology that focuses on the study of human growth and development?
a) Primatology
b) Osteology
c) Paleopathology
d) Human biology
Answer: d) Human biology

The study of the relationship between culture and biology is known as:
a) Ethnography
b) Cultural anthropology
c) Biocultural anthropology
d) Linguistic anthropology
Answer: c) Biocultural anthropology

Which of the following is a technique used to determine the sex of skeletal remains based on certain anatomical features?
a) DNA analysis
b) Forensic anthropology
c) Osteometry
d) Sex estimation
Answer: d) Sex estimation

Biological Anthropology MCQs

The study of human skeletal remains from archaeological sites is known as:
a) Forensic anthropology
b) Paleoanthropology
c) Bioarchaeology
d) Human evolution
Answer: c) Bioarchaeology

Which of the following is the scientific name for modern humans?
a) Homo habilis
b) Homo erectus
c) Homo sapiens
d) Homo neanderthalensis
Answer: c) Homo sapiens

The study of human biological diversity and classification is called:
a) Human genetics
b) Anthropometry
c) Comparative anatomy
d) Human taxonomy
Answer: d) Human taxonomy

What is the term for the process by which traits that enhance survival and reproduction become more common in a population over time?
a) Adaptation
b) Genetic drift
c) Natural selection
d) Mutation
Answer: c) Natural selection

Which of the following is a primordial dwarfism disorder characterized by short stature and an unusually small head?
a) Marfan syndrome
b) Prader-Willi syndrome
c) Russell-Silver syndrome
d) Microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism
Answer: d) Microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism

Biological Anthropology MCQs

The study of ancient human diets and food habits is known as:
a) Palaeobotany
b) Palaeontology
c) Palaeopathology
d) Palaeodietary analysis
Answer: d) Palaeodietary analysis

Which of the following is a technique used to determine the ancestral origins of individuals based on genetic markers?
a) Radiocarbon dating
b) Paleogenetics
c) Linguistic analysis
d) Stable isotope analysis
Answer: b) Paleogenetics

The field of anthropology that focuses on the study of human growth and development is called:
a) Human paleontology
b) Human anatomy
c) Human osteology
d) Human biology
Answer: d) Human biology

Which of the following is a technique used to estimate the height of an individual based on skeletal remains?
a) Radiocarbon dating
b) DNA analysis
c) Forensic anthropology
d) Stature estimation
Answer: d) Stature estimation

The study of how humans have evolved and adapted to different environments is known as:
a) Human ecology
b) Evolutionary biology
c) Human biogeography
d) Human adaptation
Answer: a) Human ecology

Biological Anthropology MCQs

The study of the genetic relationship and history of human populations is known as:
a) Comparative anatomy
b) Molecular anthropology
c) Human osteology
d) Human ecology
Answer: b) Molecular anthropology

Which of the following is a method used to determine the sex of skeletal remains based on the pelvis?
a) Dental morphology
b) Cranial capacity
c) Stature estimation
d) Pelvic dimorphism
Answer: d) Pelvic dimorphism

The study of how culture influences human biology and behavior is known as:
a) Cultural anthropology
b) Ethnography
c) Biocultural anthropology
d) Linguistic anthropology
Answer: c) Biocultural anthropology

Which of the following is a primate characteristic?
a) Opposable thumbs
b) Quadrupedal locomotion
c) Hibernation
d) Winged flight
Answer: a) Opposable thumbs

The branch of anthropology that studies the relationship between language and culture is called:
a) Ethnolinguistics
b) Sociolinguistics
c) Historical linguistics
d) Linguistic anthropology
Answer: d) Linguistic anthropology

Biological Anthropology MCQs

Which of the following is NOT a method used to determine the age of skeletal remains?
a) Dental eruption
b) DNA analysis
c) Epiphyseal fusion
d) Radiocarbon dating
Answer: b) DNA analysis

The study of human adaptation to high altitudes is known as:
a) Paleoecology
b) Human biogeography
c) Human physiology
d) High-altitude anthropology
Answer: d) High-altitude anthropology

Which of the following is a hominin species that coexisted with early humans?
a) Homo habilis
b) Homo neanderthalensis
c) Homo sapiens
d) Homo erectus
Answer: b) Homo neanderthalensis

The analysis of the chemical composition of skeletal remains to understand diet and migration patterns is called:
a) Stable isotope analysis
b) Forensic anthropology
c) Paleoecology
d) Osteometry
Answer: a) Stable isotope analysis

Which of the following is a technique used to study primate behavior through systematic observation and data collection?
a) Radiocarbon dating
b) Ethnography
c) Fossil analysis
d) Behavioral ecology
Answer: d) Behavioral ecology

Biological Anthropology MCQs

The field of biological anthropology investigates the interaction between biology and:
a) Sociology
b) Geology
c) Geography
d) Culture
Answer: d) Culture

Which of the following is a method used to estimate the age of skeletal remains based on tooth development and eruption patterns?
a) Cranial capacity analysis
b) Forensic anthropology
c) Dental age estimation
d) Osteometry
Answer: c) Dental age estimation

The study of human evolution focuses on changes that occurred over a span of:
a) Thousands of years
b) Millions of years
c) Billions of years
d) Hundreds of years
Answer: b) Millions of years

The analysis of ancient DNA to reconstruct the genetic history of human populations is known as:
a) Molecular anthropology
b) Population genetics
c) Human ecology
d) Human biogeography
Answer: a) Molecular anthropology

Which of the following is the scientific name for the extinct human species commonly known as “Lucy”?
a) Homo sapiens
b) Homo neanderthalensis
c) Homo habilis
d) Australopithecus afarensis
Answer: d) Australopithecus afarensis

Biological Anthropology MCQs

The branch of biological anthropology that studies the effects of social and cultural factors on human health is called:
a) Forensic anthropology
b) Medical anthropology
c) Paleoanthropology
d) Osteology
Answer: b) Medical anthropology

The process by which human populations adapt to their environments through genetic and cultural changes is known as:
a) Cultural evolution
b) Natural selection
c) Genetic drift
d) Epigenetics
Answer: a) Cultural evolution

Which of the following is a technique used to analyze ancient plant and animal remains to reconstruct past environments?
a) Zooarchaeology
b) Palynology
c) Paleobotany
d) Isotopic analysis
Answer: c) Paleobotany

The study of the anatomical and genetic similarities and differences among different primate species is called:
a) Primatology
b) Comparative anatomy
c) Primate paleontology
d) Phylogenetics
Answer: b) Comparative anatomy

The analysis of ancient human footprints, trackways, and trails is known as:
a) Ichnology
b) Paleoecology
c) Taphonomy
d) Paleopathology
Answer: a) Ichnology

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Social Anthropology MCQs

Social Anthropology MCQs

What is social anthropology?
a) The study of ancient civilizations
b) The study of human cultures and societies
c) The study of individual psychology
d) The study of physical anthropology
Answer: b) The study of human cultures and societies

Which of the following is a key concept in social anthropology?
a) Microeconomics
b) Ethnography
c) Organic chemistry
d) Astrophysics
Answer: b) Ethnography

Which of the following is NOT a method commonly used in social anthropology research?
a) Participant observation
b) Surveys and questionnaires
c) Genetic sequencing
d) Interviews and oral histories
Answer: c) Genetic sequencing

Cultural relativism is the principle that:
a) All cultures are fundamentally the same
b) Cultural practices should be judged by the standards of the observer’s own culture
c) Cultural practices can only be understood through scientific analysis
d) Cultures can only be compared based on their technological advancements
Answer: b) Cultural practices should be judged by the standards of the observer’s own culture

Social Anthropology MCQs

Which of the following is an example of a social institution?
a) A religious ritual
b) A personal belief
c) A genetic trait
d) A physical landscape
Answer: a) A religious ritual

In social anthropology, what does the term “kinship” refer to?
a) The study of the kinematics of human movement
b) The study of political systems
c) The study of human genetics
d) The study of relationships based on blood or marriage ties
Answer: d) The study of relationships based on blood or marriage ties

Which of the following is NOT a major theoretical perspective in social anthropology?
a) Functionalism
b) Structuralism
c) Marxism
d) Capitalism
Answer: d) Capitalism

What is the term used to describe the process by which cultural traits or practices spread from one society to another?
a) Ethnocentrism
b) Diffusion
c) Segregation
d) Assimilation
Answer: b) Diffusion

Social Anthropology MCQs

Which of the following is an example of a rite of passage?
a) A traditional wedding ceremony
b) A daily prayer ritual
c) An annual festival
d) A scientific experiment
Answer: a) A traditional wedding ceremony

Which of the following is NOT a subfield of social anthropology?
a) Economic anthropology
b) Medical anthropology
c) Linguistic anthropology
d) Archaeological anthropology
Answer: d) Archaeological anthropology

What is the term used to describe the study of how language and culture influence each other?
a) Sociolinguistics
b) Ethnobotany
c) Political anthropology
d) Cognitive anthropology
Answer: a) Sociolinguistics

Which of the following is an example of a cultural universal?
a) Marriage
b) Democracy
c) Capitalism
d) Internet
Answer: a) Marriage

Social Anthropology MCQs

What is the term used to describe a society that relies primarily on hunting and gathering for subsistence?
a) Pastoral society
b) Agricultural society
c) Industrial society
d) Hunter-gatherer society
Answer: d) Hunter-gatherer society

Which of the following is an example of a matrilineal descent system?
a) Inheritance of property through the female line
b) Inheritance of property through the male line
c) Inheritance of property through both the male and female lines
d) No inheritance of property
Answer: a) Inheritance of property through the female line

Which of the following terms refers to a cultural group within a larger society that maintains its unique cultural practices?
a) Subculture
b) Counterculture
c) Multiculturalism
d) Assimilation
Answer: a) Subculture

What is the term used to describe the transmission of cultural knowledge from one generation to the next?
a) Enculturation
b) Acculturation
c) Transculturation
d) Assimilation
Answer: a) Enculturation

Which of the following is NOT a factor contributing to cultural change?
a) Migration
b) Diffusion
c) Innovation
d) Cultural relativism
Answer: d) Cultural relativism

Social Anthropology MCQs

What is the term used to describe the belief in the existence of spirits or supernatural beings?
a) Animism
b) Monotheism
c) Polytheism
d) Atheism
Answer: a) Animism

Which of the following is an example of a cultural symbol?
a) A traffic sign
b) A genetic mutation
c) A natural resource
d) A physical landmark
Answer: a) A traffic sign

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a band-level society?
a) Small, kin-based groups
b) Egalitarian social structure
c) Centralized political authority
d) Nomadic or semi-nomadic lifestyle
Answer: c) Centralized political authority

Which of the following terms refers to the process of analyzing and interpreting cultural meanings?
a) Ethnography
b) Ethnology
c) Hermeneutics
d) Humanism
Answer: c) Hermeneutics

What is the term used to describe the exchange of goods and services between two or more groups?
a) Trade
b) Barter
c) Redistribution
d) Reciprocity
Answer: d) Reciprocity

Social Anthropology MCQs

Which of the following is an example of a cultural relativist perspective?
a) Judging other cultures based on one’s own cultural norms
b) Believing that all cultures are fundamentally the same
c) Advocating for the preservation of cultural diversity
d) Considering one’s own culture as superior to others
Answer: c) Advocating for the preservation of cultural diversity

What is the term used to describe the process by which individuals learn and adopt the cultural norms and values of their society?
a) Enculturation
b) Acculturation
c) Transculturation
d) Assimilation
Answer: b) Acculturation

Which of the following is an example of a cultural taboo?
a) Greeting someone with a handshake
b) Eating certain foods during religious ceremonies
c) Wearing traditional clothing on special occasions
d) Playing sports for recreation
Answer: b) Eating certain foods during religious ceremonies

Which of the following is NOT a key factor influencing social change in societies?
a) Technological advancements
b) Economic systems
c) Cultural values and beliefs
d) Genetic inheritance
Answer: d) Genetic inheritance

Social Anthropology MCQs

What is the term used to describe the process of viewing and analyzing a culture from the perspective of its members?
a) Cultural relativism
b) Ethnographic perspective
c) Reflexivity
d) Cultural imperialism
Answer: b) Ethnographic perspective

Which of the following is an example of a cultural artifact?
a) A religious belief
b) A social norm
c) A piece of pottery
d) A genetic trait
Answer: c) A piece of pottery

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a state-level society?
a) Centralized political authority
b) Social stratification
c) Permanent settlement
d) Egalitarian social structure
Answer: d) Egalitarian social structure

What is the term used to describe the tendency to view one’s own culture as superior to others?
a) Cultural relativism
b) Ethnocentrism
c) Cultural diffusion
d) Multiculturalism
Answer: b) Ethnocentrism

Social Anthropology MCQs

Which of the following is a key concept in cultural anthropology?
a) Evolutionary biology
b) Political ideology
c) Cultural relativism
d) Quantum mechanics
Answer: c) Cultural relativism

What is the term used to describe the study of human physical characteristics, such as bones and DNA?
a) Archaeology
b) Linguistics
c) Primatology
d) Biological anthropology
Answer: d) Biological anthropology

Which of the following is NOT a method commonly used in ethnographic research?
a) Participant observation
b) Survey research
c) Laboratory experiments
d) Interviews
Answer: c) Laboratory experiments

What is the term used to describe the process by which individuals or groups adapt to new cultural practices?
a) Cultural diffusion
b) Cultural assimilation
c) Cultural revitalization
d) Cultural relativism
Answer: b) Cultural assimilation

Which of the following is an example of a cultural symbol?
a) A social norm
b) A religious belief
c) A flag representing a nation
d) A genetic mutation
Answer: c) A flag representing a nation

Social Anthropology MCQs

Which of the following is a subfield of social anthropology that focuses on the study of economic systems and practices?
a) Medical anthropology
b) Economic anthropology
c) Linguistic anthropology
d) Political anthropology
Answer: b) Economic anthropology

What is the term used to describe the social and cultural changes that occur when two or more cultures come into contact?
a) Cultural relativism
b) Cultural diffusion
c) Cultural imperialism
d) Cultural adaptation
Answer: b) Cultural diffusion

Which of the following is an example of a cross-cultural universal?
a) Gender roles
b) Political systems
c) Religious beliefs
d) Food preferences
Answer: a) Gender roles

What is the term used to describe the process of understanding and interpreting cultural meanings from an insider’s perspective?
a) Ethnography
b) Ethnology
c) Emic perspective
d) Etic perspective
Answer: c) Emic perspective

Which of the following is a key contribution of social anthropology to understanding human societies?
a) Studying celestial bodies
b) Developing new medical treatments
c) Analyzing economic markets
d) Examining cultural diversity and social dynamics
Answer: d) Examining cultural diversity and social dynamics

Social Anthropology MCQs

What is the term used to describe the study of the ways in which power and authority are distributed and exercised within a society?
a) Political anthropology
b) Linguistic anthropology
c) Economic anthropology
d) Archaeological anthropology
Answer: a) Political anthropology

Which of the following is an example of a cultural practice?
a) Genetic inheritance
b) Cultural relativism
c) Arranged marriages
d) Mathematical equations
Answer: c) Arranged marriages

What is the term used to describe the belief that human behavior is primarily shaped by cultural factors rather than biological or genetic factors?
a) Cultural materialism
b) Social constructionism
c) Biological determinism
d) Structural functionalism
Answer: b) Social constructionism

Which of the following is an example of a cultural boundary?
a) A river
b) A mountain range
c) A language barrier
d) A cultural artifact
Answer: c) A language barrier

What is the term used to describe the study of how people make and use tools, technology, and material objects?
a) Cultural anthropology
b) Biological anthropology
c) Material culture
d) Linguistic anthropology
Answer: c) Material culture

Social Anthropology MCQs

Which of the following is an example of a social institution?
a) A religious ceremony
b) A personal belief
c) A genetic trait
d) A physical landmark
Answer: a) A religious ceremony

What is the term used to describe a system of beliefs and practices centered around the worship of one or more deities?
a) Polygamy
b) Polytheism
c) Monogamy
d) Monotheism
Answer: b) Polytheism

Which of the following is an example of a cultural adaptation?
a) Building a dam for irrigation
b) Genetic mutation
c) Formation of a new language
d) Geological formation
Answer: a) Building a dam for irrigation

What is the term used to describe a social hierarchy based on the unequal distribution of resources, wealth, and power?
a) Egalitarianism
b) Social stratification
c) Cultural relativism
d) Ethnography
Answer: b) Social stratification

Which of the following is a method used in social anthropology to collect data through in-depth interviews and conversations?
a) Surveys and questionnaires
b) Participant observation
c) Excavation and artifact analysis
d) Oral history interviews
Answer: d) Oral history interviews

Social Anthropology MCQs

What is the term used to describe a social group composed of individuals who share a common geographic origin and cultural identity?
a) Tribe
b) Clan
c) Nation
d) Community
Answer: a) Tribe

Which of the following is an example of a cultural practice associated with the concept of “rites of passage”?
a) Celebrating national holidays
b) Observing religious rituals
c) Practicing traditional medicine
d) Engaging in political debates
Answer: b) Observing religious rituals

What is the term used to describe the exchange of cultural traits and practices between different societies?
a) Cultural adaptation
b) Cultural relativism
c) Cultural diffusion
d) Cultural assimilation
Answer: c) Cultural diffusion

Which of the following is a key concept in symbolic anthropology?
a) Cultural relativism
b) Ethnography
c) Rituals and symbolism
d) Social stratification
Answer: c) Rituals and symbolism

What is the term used to describe the study of human communication systems, including language and nonverbal communication?
a) Linguistic anthropology
b) Economic anthropology
c) Political anthropology
d) Medical anthropology
Answer: a) Linguistic anthropology

Social Anthropology MCQs

Which of the following is an example of a cultural trait?
a) Genetic predisposition to a disease
b) Traditional gender roles
c) Geological formation
d) Economic system
Answer: b) Traditional gender roles

What is the term used to describe the process by which cultural practices and ideas are transformed when they come into contact with other cultures?
a) Cultural diffusion
b) Cultural adaptation
c) Cultural assimilation
d) Cultural transformation
Answer: b) Cultural adaptation

Which of the following is NOT a method commonly used in archaeological anthropology?
a) Excavation
b) Artifact analysis
c) Participant observation
d) Dating techniques
Answer: c) Participant observation

What is the term used to describe a complex set of social rules and expectations that guide human behavior within a society?
a) Cultural relativism
b) Social norms
c) Cultural relativism
d) Ethnocentrism
Answer: b) Social norms

Which of the following is a subfield of social anthropology that focuses on the study of health, illness, and healing practices in different cultures?
a) Medical anthropology
b) Economic anthropology
c) Linguistic anthropology
d) Political anthropology
Answer: a) Medical anthropology

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Cultural Anthropology MCQs

Cultural Anthropology MCQs

What is the study of cultural anthropology concerned with?
A) Biological diversity
B) Cultural diversity
C) Linguistic diversity
D) Geological diversity
Answer: B

Which of the following is a key characteristic of culture?
A) It is innate
B) It is biologically determined
C) It is learned
D) It is genetic
Answer: C

Which of the following is an example of a cultural universal?
A) Marriage
B) Democracy
C) Religion
D) Capitalism
Answer: A

What is the study of kinship concerned with in cultural anthropology?
A) The study of how cultures use language
B) The study of social relationships based on birth and marriage
C) The study of how cultures adapt to their physical environment
D) The study of the origin of the universe
Answer: B

What is cultural relativism in anthropology?
A) The idea that all cultures are equal in value
B) The idea that all cultures should be judged by the same standards
C) The idea that each culture should be understood in its own terms
D) The idea that culture is determined by biology
Answer: C

Cultural Anthropology MCQs with Answers

Which of the following is an example of an ethnographic method used in cultural anthropology?
A) Statistical analysis
B) Experimental research
C) Participant observation
D) Survey research
Answer: C

Which of the following is an example of a cultural adaptation to the environment?
A) Wearing warm clothes in cold weather
B) Building tall buildings in a city
C) Eating spicy food
D) Driving a car
Answer: A

Which of the following is an example of a cultural symbol?
A) A stop sign
B) A rose
C) A car
D) A book
Answer: B

What is the term for the process by which a culture changes over time?
A) Cultural adaptation
B) Cultural evolution
C) Cultural relativism
D) Cultural transmission
Answer: B

Which of the following is an example of a subfield of cultural anthropology?
A) Physical anthropology
B) Linguistic anthropology
C) Archaeology
D) Medical anthropology
Answer: D

Cultural Anthropology MCQs

What is cultural anthropology?
a) The study of physical features of human beings
b) The study of ancient civilizations
c) The study of human culture and societies
d) The study of human genetics

Answer: c) The study of human culture and societies

Which of the following is NOT a subfield of cultural anthropology?
a) Archaeology
b) Linguistics
c) Biological anthropology
d) Ethnography

Answer: c) Biological anthropology

Ethnography is a research method used in cultural anthropology that involves:
a) Excavating ancient artifacts
b) Studying human language patterns
c) Conducting interviews and participant observation
d) Analyzing genetic material

Answer: c) Conducting interviews and participant observation

Cultural relativism is the belief that:
a) All cultures should be judged based on the standards of one’s own culture
b) Some cultures are superior to others
c) Cultural practices should be universally adopted
d) Each culture should be understood within its own context

Answer: d) Each culture should be understood within its own context

Which of the following is an example of material culture?
a) Religious beliefs
b) Language
c) Social norms
d) Tools and technology

Answer: d) Tools and technology

Cultural Anthropology MCQs

Which term refers to the transmission of cultural knowledge from one generation to the next?
a) Cultural diffusion
b) Cultural relativism
c) Enculturation
d) Ethnography

Answer: c) Enculturation

Which of the following is an example of a cultural universal?
a) Marriage rituals
b) Language diversity
c) Traditional clothing
d) Food preferences

Answer: b) Language diversity

Which theoretical approach in cultural anthropology focuses on how individuals interpret and give meaning to their experiences?
a) Functionalism
b) Structuralism
c) Symbolic anthropology
d) Cultural materialism

Answer: c) Symbolic anthropology

Which of the following is NOT a factor that contributes to cultural change?
a) Globalization
b) Technological advancements
c) Genetic inheritance
d) Migration and immigration

Answer: c) Genetic inheritance

Which of the following is an example of a cultural practice that has been challenged or changed due to cultural anthropology research?
a) Female genital mutilation
b) Marriage traditions
c) Religious ceremonies
d) Family structures

Answer: a) Female genital mutilation

Cultural Anthropology MCQs With Answers

Which of the following is a key concept in cultural anthropology that refers to the idea that all cultural practices have a function and contribute to the overall stability of society?
a) Cultural relativism
b) Cultural adaptation
c) Functionalism
d) Enculturation

Answer: c) Functionalism

What is the term for the process by which individuals learn and acquire their culture?
a) Cultural assimilation
b) Cultural relativism
c) Cultural transmission
d) Cultural diffusion

Answer: c) Cultural transmission

Which of the following is an example of a cultural symbol?
a) A handshake
b) A physical feature of a person
c) A genetic trait
d) A biological adaptation

Answer: a) A handshake

The study of language in cultural anthropology is known as:
a) Ethnolinguistics
b) Sociolinguistics
c) Ethnography
d) Linguistic anthropology

Answer: d) Linguistic anthropology

Which theoretical approach in cultural anthropology emphasizes the role of power, inequality, and social structures in shaping culture?
a) Symbolic anthropology
b) Structuralism
c) Cultural materialism
d) Postmodernism

Answer: b) Structuralism

Cultural Anthropology MCQs

What is the term for the belief in the superiority of one’s own culture and the tendency to view other cultures through the lens of one’s own cultural values?
a) Cultural relativism
b) Ethnocentrism
c) Multiculturalism
d) Ethnography

Answer: b) Ethnocentrism

Which of the following is an example of a rite of passage?
a) A birthday celebration
b) A religious holiday
c) A political rally
d) A graduation ceremony

Answer: d) A graduation ceremony

The process through which cultural traits or practices spread from one society to another is called:
a) Enculturation
b) Cultural relativism
c) Cultural diffusion
d) Acculturation

Answer: c) Cultural diffusion

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of culture?
a) Culture is learned
b) Culture is static and unchanging
c) Culture is shared
d) Culture is symbolic

Answer: b) Culture is static and unchanging

Which anthropologist is known for their work on kinship and social organization, particularly the study of family structures?
a) Margaret Mead
b) Franz Boas
c) Claude Lévi-Strauss
d) Ruth Benedict

Answer: c) Claude Lévi-Strauss

Cultural Anthropology MCQs

Which of the following is NOT a method commonly used in cultural anthropology research?
a) Surveys
b) Experimentation
c) Participant observation
d) Ethnographic interviews

Answer: b) Experimentation

The study of how cultures change and develop over time is known as:
a) Cultural diffusion
b) Cultural relativism
c) Cultural evolution
d) Cultural adaptation

Answer: c) Cultural evolution

Which of the following is an example of a cultural taboo?
a) Wearing specific colors during a festival
b) Eating pork in a particular culture
c) Celebrating a national holiday
d) Speaking multiple languages

Answer: b) Eating pork in a particular culture

Which theoretical approach in cultural anthropology emphasizes the role of economic systems and material conditions in shaping culture?
a) Functionalism
b) Symbolic anthropology
c) Cultural materialism
d) Postmodernism

Answer: c) Cultural materialism

What is the term for the process of adopting and incorporating elements of another culture into one’s own?
a) Cultural relativism
b) Cultural assimilation
c) Cultural diffusion
d) Cultural relativism

Answer: b) Cultural assimilation

Cultural Anthropology MCQs

Which of the following is an example of a cultural artifact?
a) A religious belief
b) A social norm
c) A traditional dance
d) A pottery fragment

Answer: d) A pottery fragment

Which anthropologist is known for their research on cultural anthropology and the concept of the “liminal phase” in rituals?
a) Bronisław Malinowski
b) Clifford Geertz
c) Victor Turner
d) Zora Neale Hurston

Answer: c) Victor Turner

What is the term for the process by which a cultural practice or trait is spread from one group to another through direct contact?
a) Acculturation
b) Enculturation
c) Assimilation
d) Diffusion

Answer: a) Acculturation

Which of the following is NOT a key aspect of culture?
a) Norms and values
b) Material possessions
c) Social organization
d) Genetic inheritance

Answer: d) Genetic inheritance

Which anthropologist is known for their fieldwork among the Nuer people of Sudan and their contributions to the study of kinship and social organization?
a) E. E. Evans-Pritchard
b) Margaret Mead
c) Ruth Benedict
d) Claude Lévi-Strauss

Answer: a) E. E. Evans-Pritchard

Cultural Anthropology MCQs

Which of the following is an example of a cultural relativism perspective?
a) Evaluating cultural practices based on one’s own cultural values
b) Recognizing and respecting the diversity of cultural practices
c) Promoting cultural assimilation and uniformity
d) Believing that all cultures are inherently equal

Answer: b) Recognizing and respecting the diversity of cultural practices

The study of human remains and their cultural significance is known as:
a) Archaeology
b) Linguistics
c) Ethnography
d) Bioarchaeology

Answer: d) Bioarchaeology

Which of the following is an example of a non-material aspect of culture?
a) Clothing styles
b) Architecture
c) Language
d) Tools and technology

Answer: c) Language

What is the term for a culturally constructed category based on perceived physical differences between groups of people?
a) Cultural relativism
b) Cultural assimilation
c) Ethnicity
d) Nationality

Answer: c) Ethnicity

Which theoretical approach in cultural anthropology focuses on the relationship between culture and power, particularly in relation to colonialism and postcolonialism?
a) Postmodernism
b) Symbolic anthropology
c) Structuralism
d) Cultural materialism

Answer: a) Postmodernism

Cultural Anthropology MCQs

What is the term for the set of beliefs, practices, and symbols that express a group’s understanding of the sacred?
a) Rituals
b) Religion
c) Superstition
d) Taboo

Answer: b) Religion

Which of the following is an example of a cultural practice related to food?
a) Marriage rituals
b) Linguistic diversity
c) Clothing styles
d) Dietary restrictions

Answer: d) Dietary restrictions

Which anthropologist is known for their research on cultural anthropology and the concept of “thick description” in interpreting cultural practices?
a) Bronisław Malinowski
b) Clifford Geertz
c) Victor Turner
d) Zora Neale Hurston

Answer: b) Clifford Geertz

What is the term for the process by which individuals or groups acquire the culture of a different society?
a) Enculturation
b) Assimilation
c) Acculturation
d) Diffusion

Answer: c) Acculturation

Which of the following is an example of a cultural practice that is specific to a particular cultural group?
a) The use of fire
b) Clothing preferences
c) Language acquisition
d) Biological inheritance

Answer: b) Clothing preferences

Cultural Anthropology MCQs

Which of the following is NOT a cultural universal?
a) Language
b) Marriage
c) Gender roles
d) Clothing preferences

Answer: d) Clothing preferences

The study of the relationship between language and culture is known as:
a) Linguistic anthropology
b) Ethnography
c) Cultural materialism
d) Symbolic anthropology

Answer: a) Linguistic anthropology

What is the term for the process of viewing and analyzing a culture from an insider’s perspective?
a) Ethnography
b) Cultural relativism
c) Participant observation
d) Acculturation

Answer: b) Cultural relativism

Which anthropologist is known for their research on cultural anthropology and the concept of “thick description” in interpreting cultural practices?
a) E. E. Evans-Pritchard
b) Margaret Mead
c) Clifford Geertz
d) Ruth Benedict

Answer: c) Clifford Geertz

Which of the following is an example of a cultural practice that varies across different societies?
a) The use of fire
b) Biological inheritance
c) Language acquisition
d) Funeral rituals

Answer: d) Funeral rituals

Cultural Anthropology MCQs

What is the term for a group’s shared beliefs, values, and norms that shape their behavior and worldview?
a) Society
b) Ethnography
c) Culture
d) Community

Answer: c) Culture

Which theoretical approach in cultural anthropology emphasizes the role of symbols and meanings in shaping culture?
a) Functionalism
b) Structuralism
c) Symbolic anthropology
d) Cultural materialism

Answer: c) Symbolic anthropology

What is the term for the process of understanding and interpreting a culture from an outsider’s perspective?
a) Acculturation
b) Ethnography
c) Cultural relativism
d) Ethnocentrism

Answer: d) Ethnocentrism

Which of the following is an example of a cultural practice related to communication?
a) Marriage ceremonies
b) Food preferences
c) Greeting customs
d) Clothing styles

Answer: c) Greeting customs

Which anthropologist is known for their work on cultural anthropology and the concept of cultural relativism?
a) Franz Boas
b) Claude Lévi-Strauss
c) Margaret Mead
d) Bronisław Malinowski

Answer: a) Franz Boas

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